The title of Karis’s blog “Pulling Out” caught my attention and out of curiosity I was interested to further read what her article was about. In her blog, Karis argues about the Texas abortion law and how women are being forced with unwanted pregnancies due to the difficulty in getting an abortion from the closures of all except eight abortion clinics in Texas. She makes a very interesting point about how not only do most of these children end up in foster care from unwanted pregnancies, but is the government following up on what happens to these children who end up in the system? Anti-abortionists protest how we should not kill unborn babies and how it’s the life of a child, yet are they going to care or provide for these babies once they’re born?
I’m neither for or against abortion, but I am pro-choice. I have the rights to my body and what business is it to anyone what I choose to do with it? Whatever happened to freedom of choice? I feel that this abortion law, as a woman myself and to other women, our rights are being taken away like we have no power or control to our own body. Motherhood should be a choice of our own choosing because it’s OUR life and not anyone else. The way I see it, if I’m being forced by this law into having a child that I don’t want or can’t afford, is the government or the anti-abortion protesters going to help care and provide for my child? It’s only equal that they should be forced to do so if women are being forced into keeping their baby.
Overall I most definitely have to agree with Karis’s argument. FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Unless a woman knowingly and purposely implanted with sperm via donor or in-vitro-fertilization, it takes TWO people to get pregnant. If women are being denied the right to choose for themselves, then Texas have no choice or right to deny women help, care or financial support. Babies are not cheap! In that case, from the famous words of Maury Povich, YOU ARE THE FATHER!
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