HOORAY! IT’S A GIRL! So exactly what age, when and how do I explain or give her the “talk”? I’ll just make sure she takes sex ed.
Well, if you live in Texas, the only sex education you’re going to get is by abstinence-only or close to none. Not that teaching sex through abstinence isn’t effective, but by definition,
noun \ˈab-stə-nən(t)s\
: the practice of not doing or having something that is wanted or enjoyable : the practice of abstaining from something
Let’s be honest, what teenager is going to abstain from having sex by telling them not to do it and wait until marriage? There is more to sex beyond the preaching of abstinence, and in my opinion, the important information, facts and truth about sex are being withheld from teaching due to religious reasons. In fifth grade, my parents did not allow me to take sex education so I didn’t know a thing about sex or the reproductive system. Had I taken sex ed in fifth grade, I wouldn’t have gone first to my dad about my very first visit from my lady friend or thought I was dying! My family is Catholic and I was raised that way, yet I’m not one bit religious. I was raised that you had to be a virgin and married before you can have sex, that premarital sex and having a child out of wedlock was a huge “SIN”. Well, I did everything backwards so I guess that makes me a sinner and I’m going to hell!
I believe comprehensive sex education is the most highly effective and best way of educating teenagers about sex and the possibilities and/or outcomes, for example, unplanned pregnancy or STDs. According to The State Sex Education Laws in Texas, schools by law are not required to provide sex education or information about STDs/HIV/AIDS, however, if a school district chooses to provide such courses, information on abstinence until marriage must be included. Honestly, does Texas or the Republican Party truly think by teaching abstinence-only sex education really effective? Or, by teaching abstinence they are hoping that their now current teenagers won’t get that same feelings of emotions, desire or urge and act on those feelings like they once did as teenagers? Ah, interesting! NARAL Pro-Choice Texas states that repeated studies show that abstinence-only education did not stop teens from having sex or reduce sexual activity.
I came across an article that sparked my interest published in The Texas Tribune. In Texas, Less Progress on Reducing Teen Pregnancy. In the article, the now 21 year old mother of two, Charmaine Carbs, states how at 17 dropped out of school after getting pregnant, not receiving sex education at school, no knowledge about pregnancy risks and ended up in a homeless shelter after her second child. Charmaine thinks she may not have gotten pregnant if she had more support.
In all reality, teaching sex by telling them to not have sex and wait until marriage, we are denying them the real important knowledge of what could effect or change their lives. Good or bad. I mean we were all teenagers once at one point. Do you truly believe with abstinence-only sex education that you would have abstain from having sex? Like I said, I guess I’m a sinner and I’m going to hell.